The "Summer School" is an annual 5-day intensive coaching programme for young people and young adults who have already acquired basic skills on their instrument and would like to improve their playing in pop and jazz music.
Organised by the Landesmusikakademie RLP in close cooperation with the Jazz Campus Mainz and funded by the Dres. Göbel Foundation for Music in 2024, it is aimed at two target groups. Firstly, young people who already have a basic command of their instrument but have not yet had any major contact with the topics of improvisation and ensemble playing in a jazz combo and would like to gain experience and input here. Secondly, to ambitious young jazz musicians who want to prepare specifically for an entrance exam at a music academy.

From 2024, two different programmes will therefore take place under the label of the Summer School in order to take even better account of this duality in the target group.

  • Summer School Jazz Workshop (3 days) 

The following modules are included in a compact 3-day course programme for young, ambitious musicians who already play their instrument well and want to learn more about jazz:

- Lessons on the instrument using the masterclass principle (8 hours in total),
- Combo coaching at either basic or advanced level (6 hours in total)
- Input in various jazz theory subjects (6 hours in total).
- Mindset for musicians (2 hours in total)

The instructors are all renowned musicians from the university environment. This means that participants meet various professionals who are also happy to answer questions about studying or professional life as a musician.

In addition to the courses, there is the opportunity for evening jam sessions with other course participants from both workshop levels and musicians from the Mainz scene.

The programme is aimed at young musicians from Rhineland-Palatinate and beyond who play piano, bass, guitar, drums, saxophone, trumpet or trombone or have chosen singing as their instrument.

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 32 people (max. 5-6 participants per instrument). The instructors of the Summer School are all renowned personalities from the university environment.

  • Summer School Jazz Intensive Course (2 days) 

The following modules are included in a 2-day intensive course for young, aspiring professional musicians who would like to prepare for an aptitude test for jazz and popular music or a teaching profession specialising in jazz and popular music:

- Lessons on the instrument (individual lessons)
- Playing with a rhythm section
- Input in various jazz theory subjects
- Aptitude test simulation under real conditions
- Questions about professional practice

The instructors are all renowned musicians from the university environment. Participants meet with various professionals who are also happy to answer questions about studying or professional life as a musician.

The programme is aimed at ambitious musicians from Rhineland-Palatinate and beyond who play the piano, bass, guitar, drums, saxophone, trumpet or trombone or have chosen singing as their instrument and would like to study.

The number of participants is limited to 8 (up to a maximum of 10) people. The lecturers at the Summer School are all renowned personalities from the university environment.


19.08.2024 - 21.08.2024 - Jazz Workshop
22.08.2024 - 23.08.2024 - Jazz Intensive Course

Registration deadline: 31.07.2024 If you are interested, please send us an email with the following details:


Your address

Telephone number

email address

Date of birth


Previous experience

Which course you would like to register for


Jazz workshop

19.08.2024 - 21.08.2024 (Mondays - Wednesdays, arrival preferably on 18.08.2024 for participants coming from further away)

10:00 - 21:00 in each case


Intensive course:

22.08.2024: 10 am - 6 pm
23 August 2024: 10 am - 4 pm


Registration until 31.07.2024 - places will be allocated according to receipt of registrations. If you are interested, please send us an email with the following details Name, address, telephone number, email, date of birth, instrument, previous experience, which of the two programmes you would like to attend

Location: Academy of Music at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Jakob-Welder-Weg 28, 55128 Mainz

Course Provider: Landesmusikakademie RLP in close cooperation with the Jazz Campus Mainz

Prerequisite for participation:

Jazz workshop (3 days)

for participants between 14-23 years of age and at least three years of playing experience (secure mastery of the instrument, basic experience in playing with others, e.g. in a school big band or school band). Jazz experience is not necessary.

Intensive course (2 days)

for participants aged between 17 and 23 who would like to prepare for an aptitude test and have mastered their instrument as well as basic improvisation skills and knowledge of jazz.

Participation fee: € 180.00 (excluding accommodation and meals),

Reductions in the form of part-time or full-time scholarships are possible - after consultation - please send enquiries to

Directions: The university is located directly at a bus and tram stop (Friedrich von Pfeiffer-Weg) and can be easily reached in 10 minutes from Mainz main station by tram lines 51, 53, 59 or bus lines 54, 55, 56, 75, 650.

Corona: We adhere to the Corona guidelines of the federal government and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate at all times. If the Summer School is not possible at the planned time in the planned form, we will contact you in due course and discuss alternative options with all registered participants.

Masterclass and Ensemblecoaching:

Lecturers of the School for Music at JGU Mainz